Accessing System

   - To access our website, just go to the link

   - After accessing the link, you will be directed to a page below.

   - On the top of the page, kindly look for “Appointment” dropdown button and click “Schedule An Appointment”.

   - You can also directly click Schedule button.

   Do not forget to properly fill out each field. Medical fields must be set to "No" if the field is not applicable for the patient.

   After clicking the “Schedule an Appointment” button, you will be directed to the page as shown.

   If you already have an appointment number, you can check it by clicking the “View Appointment” button.

   To schedule a new appointment, kindly fill out the fields given.

   Fill out the date according to your preferred schedule. You cannot set a schedule within 3 days from the current date. The system automatically allocates the date available.

   Select the service you want to avail.

   If you already have a blue card, you can input your hospital number from your card.

   If you do not have any, skip the following input.

   Before filling, enter the appropriate answer for the captcha.

   A popup notification should appear after saving.

   After saving, you will be directed to your code. You can now make a screenshot, download the pdf, or print the code.

   To check your code, click “View Appointment” button and kindly enter the code and birthday.

   Once search is successful, your appointment details will appear if you already have a schedule. To download and print the code, kindly click the “Print” button and save it to your device.